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Printing Terminology: What is Sequential Numbering?

Three repair order forms with sequential ID numbers printed in red

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Sequential Numbering adds a Unique Identifier to Printed Documents

In the printing industry, Sequential Numbering refers to a finishing technique that prints numbers, in consecutive order, onto a batch of printed pieces. Because every printed piece within the batch receives a different number, each piece in the batch can be uniquely identified.

Sequential numbering can start at any chosen number. Also, the numbers can be printed in ascending or descending order, but 99% of the time the numbers are printed in ascending order.

Depending on the project, sequential numbers can be printed once on each piece, or in several locations on the piece. Either way, the numbers are printed in a prominent place so they are clearly visible on the document. To further ensure the sequential numbers can be seen easily, they are often printed in red ink.

Two business checks
Checks are a common example of documents that use sequential numbers for accounting control

What are the Benefits of Sequential Numbering?

There are several reasons why sequential numbers are added to certain print projects. One reason is that the use of sequential numbering provides each individual piece with its own reference number. Knowing the range of numbers printed on the pieces allows every piece to be accounted for and verified.

This is particularly important for checks, invoices, purchase orders, sales contracts, estimates, warranty certificates, repair tickets, receipts, inventory tags, delivery tickets, and other vital business forms and documents. The use of sequential numbering actually provides a built-in mechanism to help prevent counterfeiting and unauthorized use.

In addition to providing a logical system for accurate tracking and record-keeping, printing the numbers in a consecutive sequence also ensures there is no replication. This is a critical feature for many applications, such as labels containing product serial numbers, admission tickets to an event, or entries for a drawing or raffle. In all of these instances, having a unique identifier is essential for preventing duplication and avoiding disputes.

The sequential arrangement of the printed numbers also helps organize a company's paper flow. The prominently placed numbers provide quick identification and accessibility, saving time and effort while categorizing, filing, or retrieving printed documents.

A roll of Sequentially Numbered raffle tickets
Raffle tickets are another common example of a printed item that utilizes Sequential Numbering

Looking for help with a Printing Project?

Be sure get in touch with Color Vision Printing if you are looking for high-quality printing at affordable rates.

Also, if you are interested in adding Sequential Numbering or another finishing technique to your next project, Color Vision offers all the options you need to improve the appearance and functionality of your printed pieces.

Just give us a call at 800-543-6299 to discuss your project. Or, use our simple Quote Request form to send us your specifications and we email a quote to you.

As always, we look forward to assisting with your printing and finishing needs!

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