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Two different Printed Newsletters lying next to each other


Stacks of Printed Newsletters sitting on a work table

A Great Way to Stay In Regular Contact

Newsletters provide a way for businesses and organizations to stay in regular contact with select groups. The recipients of the newsletter might be customers, employees, subscribers, or members of a community. Sometimes referred to as a bulletin, a newsletter is used to share relevant information and insightful content with a targeted audience.

Newsletters that are printed and mailed have an advantage over those distributed in an electronic format. Because a printed newsletter exists in physical form and is delivered via the post office, there is a greater chance it will be seen and read compared to an emailed newsletter that can be easily overlooked in a crowded inbox.

Also, a printed newsletter is something the recipient can hold and feel, so it has a more intriguing presence than electronic media arriving as an email or PDF. Being tangible and concrete, a printed newsletter has a better chance of being kept and read. It cannot be flagged as spam or quickly deleted with a single keystroke. In addition, no special devices or actions are needed to view a printed newsletter. It can be read anywhere and at any time.

A woman reading a Printed Newsletter

Who sends out a printed Newsletter?

Newsletters are used by businesses and organizations to share information and educate, as well as for enhancing brand awareness with current and prospective customers. Newsletters are also commonly sent to employees to convey corporate news and announcements.

In addition, newsletters are frequently used by public institutions - such as school districts, utility companies, and government offices - to share current events, updates, tips, and other newsworthy topics. Societies and clubs also send out periodic newsletters to keep members abreast of important issues and upcoming events.

To maintain consistency and increase effectiveness, newsletters are generally published on a regular basis. For example, newsletters might be sent monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Though the content should be interesting and informative, most newsletters have a simple format and are kept relatively brief. The typical length ranges from two to eight pages.

Because of their brevity, most newsletters can be designed as a self-mailer. Folding the newsletter and securing it with wafer tabs eliminates the need for an outer envelope as well as the process of insertion. The indicia (proof of pre-paid postage) and the mailing address are printed directly on each folded newsletter. Any color combination can be used as well as any paper stock, though heavy-weight papers are usually avoided to keep the postage cost to a minimum.

Professionally-printed newsletters offer a proven approach for maintaining ongoing relationships. 

To learn more about Color Vision's printing and mailing services, just give us a call!

Deliver a Quality Product on Time

Color Vision has printed our ballots and other election materials for many years. We've always counted on the Color Vision team to deliver a quality product on time, often on a very tight deadline. We love that we can count on a local company to provide this crucial service to the voters of Marathon County.

Kim T. - Sector: County Government

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