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Print Marketing: 5 Low Cost Ways to Promote your Business

A salesman showing a Tri-fold Brochure to a client

estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Print Marketing

Despite the business world's extensive use of digital marketing, Print Marketing still remains an effective strategy for generating new business.

One advantage of printed marketing pieces is that they exist in physical form. Conversely, digital marketing messages only exist as fleeting pixels on a screen. Hence, digital marketing is less impactful than a printed marketing piece that can be held in one's hands. Because it gets more focused attention, a printed message has a better chance of gaining trust and being remembered.

Another advantage of print marketing is that it can provide ongoing exposure. Even though a digital marketing message can be sent very quickly and efficiently, it can also be discarded very quickly and efficiently. It is easy to delete or scroll past emails, tweets, and electronic ads without ever reading them. On the other hand, printed pieces are real and tangible so they tend to stay around longer and provide continued exposure to your brand.

Printing can enhance any Marketing Strategy

Whether a marketing strategy involves the use of print exclusively, or as a supplement to digital marketing, printed materials are an effective and time-tested way for businesses to promote their products and services.

Plus, in today's economic climate, there is a real need for cost-effective marketing options. So below are five of the most budget-friendly options available for print marketing. Despite being very economical, all five of these options are quite effective at influencing customers and gaining new business.

Two Tri-Fold Brochures - one open and one closed
Tri-Fold Brochures are affordable and effective

1. Tri-fold Brochures -

Brochures are a perfect way to promote your company as well as the products and services you have to offer. When looking for a low cost but professional brochure option, the Tri-Fold has everything you need. It offers plenty of space to convey detailed information yet it folds neatly to a very compact size.

The most popular size of tri-fold brochure is made from a standard 11" x 8.5" sheet. The sheet is printed on both sides and then folded into thirds. This provides six distinct panels for displaying text and images - three panels on the front of the sheet and three panels on the back of the sheet.

Since the panels of a tri-fold brochure divide the content into distinct sections, the brochure exhibits a well-organized appearance. This helps guide the reader through the content of the brochure in a logical sequence.

Also, because tri-fold brochures have such a convenient size, they are very easy to handle and distribute. Plus, they take up minimal room on a counter or desk and fit perfectly into a standard #10 envelope for mailing.

Tri-fold brochures offer one of the best values in print marketing. Despite being constructed from a single sheet of paper, tri-fold brochures provide a very practical format for displaying a great deal of information.

2. Flyers -

Flyers are one of the most widely-recognized forms of print marketing. The majority of flyers are created from a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper. Most have printing on only one side to minimize the cost, but they can also be printed on both sides.

A flyer provides a relatively straightforward way to deliver a promotional message, as well as a way to create excitement around this message. For example, flyers are often used to announce a special event such as a grand opening, seasonal sale, or special discount. They can also be used to introduce the latest offerings, such as a customer loyalty program or a new product or service.

Whatever its intended purpose, a flyer should have a clean layout with the main message as the focal point. Because a flyer is a single sheet of unfolded paper, your message can be seen instantly. This is why flyers are the ideal method for communicating a promotional message in a quick and concise way.

Even though flyers are rather simple, this is what allows them to be such versatile and cost-effective promotional tools. They can also be distributed in a variety of ways, such as being handed to customers as they enter a retail store, given out at a trade show or other venue, posted on community bulletin boards, or stacked on a table or counter to be accessed by people passing by.

A technical Sell Sheet for a commercial door lock
A Sell Sheet is a low cost sales aid

3. Sell Sheets -

A Sell Sheet is a printed sheet used as a compelling sales aid for products and services. Like flyers, most sell sheets are made from 8.5" x 11" paper with printing on one or both sides.

A sell sheet generally focuses on a single product or service, explaining the key features and benefits in a clear and concise manner. In addition to persuasive text, sell sheets include photos that present the offerings in an appealing way. Also, sell sheets commonly include informative diagrams, charts, studies, technical data or any other details that will help to sell the product or service.

Basically, the goal of a sell sheet is to highlight the advantages of your offerings to help streamline the sales process. Sell sheets address just about any question a potential customer might have about a product or service, while at the same time using subtle persuasion to inspire a purchase.

Even though sell sheets can be printed for every product or service a company offers, only the one that pertains directly to the customer's interests is usually presented. This helps maintain focus on the offering best suited for the customer's needs.

Like brochures and flyers, sell sheets are quite versatile and can be used in conjunction with various marketing channels. For example, sell sheets can be shared during sales presentations, given to interested prospects at trade shows, included in direct mail campaigns, or displayed in showrooms or retail locations.

4. Buck Slips -

A Buck Slip is like a miniature flyer. Whereas the majority of flyers are the standard 8.5"x 11" size, a typical buck slip is just a third of that size. As such, most buck slips measure around 8.5" x 3.5". Because of the smaller size, buck slips are one of the absolute cheapest types of print marketing you will find.

Buck Slips, also known as Buck Inserts or Buck Sheets, don't offer a lot of space to print on. But this can actually be a good thing because it requires the promotional offer or marketing message to be very succinct and to the point.

Like most promotional pieces, buck slips are printed in color. They can also be printed on one side or both sides, but one-sided printing is more common.

Just like a flyer, a buck slip is most often used to draw attention to an upcoming event, special promotion, or a specific product or service. Buck slips can also be designed as a coupon to be redeemed for special savings on a future purchase.

Buck slips are popular in a retail setting, where they can be given to a customer entering a store or at check-out. When used at check-out, buck slips are often placed into a shopping bag with the purchase, stapled to a customer's receipt, or just handed to the customer directly.

Many businesses, including banks, utility providers, and insurance companies, use buck slips as a cheap way to include a message or reminder with customer invoices or other correspondence sent through the mail. Because of their size, buck slips fit easily into standard #10 business envelopes without needing to be folded.

Random Promotional Postcards scattered on a tabletop
Postcards are the cheapest direct mail option

5. Postcards -

Postcards provide an inexpensive way to target new customers. They are also a great way to keep in touch with existing customers. Postcards can be made in a variety of sizes such as 4.25" x 6", 5" x 7", 6" x 9", 6" x 11", or 8.5" x 11". Printed on heavy cardstock, postcards have the lowest postage rate of any direct mail option.

One of the advantages of postcards is that they do not require an envelope. When the intended recipient picks up their mail, your promotional offer will be seen instantly. Also, because the recipient will be holding the postcard in their hand, it increases the odds that your marketing message will be read and acted upon.

Postcards can be broadly dispersed to everyone that resides within a specific community or to groups of people that share other demographic traits. Postcards can also be used to target prospects individually. When targeting specific individuals, postcards can be personalized to match the interests of the recipient using Variable Data Printing.

Another advantage of custom-printed postcards is that they can be used for a wide range of marketing purposes. For example, postcards can promote a grand opening or an upcoming sale, announce a special offer, introduce new products or services, invite people to an event, or direct people to a website. Postcards can also be designed to act as a discount coupon, contest entry, or admission ticket.

Unlike handing someone a flyer or brochure, a postcard recipient doesn't have to be standing right in front of you to receive your marketing message. Postcards allow you to share your marketing message with people wherever they happen to be, thus enabling you to easily and affordably expand the reach of your print marketing campaign.

Necessary Components of Print Marketing

A print marketing campaign can be as creative as your imagination will allow, so there aren't many restrictions when it comes to the theme or design. However, to be effective, all promotional pieces should contain the following basic elements….

  • Attention-grabbing layout - the design should be bold but not cluttered
  • Compelling headings and text - these should be descriptive but concise
  • Clear statements about what you are offering - be sure to include the benefits
  • Clear call to action (CTA) - what do you want the potential customer to do?
  • Contact information - the more ways to contact you, the better

Color Vision is ready to assist with your Promotional Printing needs

If you are looking for custom-printed brochures, flyers, postcards or any other marketing pieces, be sure to get in touch with Color Vision. We built our strong reputation by offering quality printing at affordable prices!

We offer both offset and digital printing services, so we can assist with just about any type of printing need you may have. If you have an upcoming print project and would like a quote, just fill out our easy Quote Request form to send us your specifications.

Or, if you prefer to discuss your project by phone, we can be reached at 800-543-6299. As always, we look forward to assisting with your next print project!

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