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Printing Terminology Blog Articles

Printing Proofs: Soft Proofs vs Hard Proofs
A Proof is an essential component of the printing process because it ensures the client and printer are in total agreement about the desired outcome.
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Printing Terminology: Embossing vs Debossing
The terms Embossing and Debossing refer to finishing techniques that add a three-dimensional effect to paper and cardstock.
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What is 4/4 Printing, 4/1 Printing, and 4/0 Printing?
Printing specifications include the ink colors as well as the ink placement. These two specs can be easily conveyed using terms like 4/4, 4/1, and 4/0.
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Printing Terminology: What is CMYK?
CMYK is an abbreviation for the four ink colors used to create full-color printing. By using just these four inks, approximately 16,000 color variations can be produced.
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Printing Terminology: Recto and Verso
Originating from Latin, Recto and Verso are terms used within the printing and publishing industries to indicate the relative placement of content on a sheet.
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Printing Terminology: What is Paper Grain?
Wood pulp fibers align during the paper manufacturing process. This gives paper a directional grain, which can affect certain folding and binding operations.
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