Printing Terminology: What is CMYK?

estimated reading time: 3 minutes
What does CMYK stand for?
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). These are
the four ink colors used by commercial printing presses to create full-color
printing. By using just these four inks, approximately 16,000 color variations
can be produced.
The CMYK Printing Process

As the paper, cardstock, or other substrate moves through a
printing press, the four CMYK ink colors - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black - are applied one after the other in
succession. Each layer of color is applied as tiny dots.
This system of printing is commonly known as the CMYK
Process, 4-Color Process, or simply Process Printing.
When viewed individually, the four ink layers yield images
that are barely recognizable (see illustration A).
But collectively, the four inks produce full-color designs
and images that are vivid and detailed (see illustration B).
Welcome to the Grand Illusion of CMYK Printing

As mentioned, the CMYK ink colors are applied as tiny dots. These
dots are only applied in four colors, but their relative placement on the
printed sheet creates an illusion that tricks our eyes.
When we look at a finished piece that has been created with
the CMYK printing process, instead of colored dots we see colors that are solid
and continuous. And instead of just four colors, we see hundreds of color variations.
Here's an experiment you can do that will help illustrate
this point: Find something printed in full-color, like a brochure or magazine. First,
look at the colorful images from a normal viewing distance. They will appear clear
and sharp as if they are solid colors.
Then, look at the images under extremely strong
magnification (such as with a jeweler's loupe or printer's loupe). This time you
will only see tiny dots of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (similar to
Illustration C). Quite fascinating, wouldn't you say?

Cyan and Magenta
Of course, Yellow and Black are colors you learned about in
kindergarten. But the colors of Cyan and Magenta aren't as commonly known.
What Color is Cyan?
It is difficult to accurately describe a color using words, but
Cyan is a bright hue that falls between blue and green. Most people see Cyan as
more blue than green. Refer to the color wheel below for a visual representation of
What Color is Magenta?
Magenta is a pleasing hue that falls between red and blue. That
said, most people consider Magenta to be closer to red than to blue. Refer to
the color wheel below for a visual representation of Magenta.
And finally, why is a "K" used to designate the color Black
in CMYK?

There are two schools of thought regarding the use of the letter "K" for Black.
One explanation is that using the letter "B"
would have caused confusion with the color Blue, so the last letter in the color Black was used instead. A second explanation, which is the one most
commercial printers ascribe to, is that the letter "K" stands for Key. In this
case, "Key" meaning crucially important to a print production run, like a Key color
or a Key printing plate.
When CMYK Printing was invented in the early 20th century, Black
ink had already been in use for centuries. Since the color Black provides
strong contrast, which adds definition and detail to a printed image, it is
crucially important or "Key." Hence, when calibrating a production run, Black
would be the Key Color used to line up or register the other three CMYK colors of
cyan, magenta, and yellow.
If you have a full-color printing project you would like to
discuss, give Color Vision a call at 800-543-6299. Or, if you know your specs
and would like a quote, please use our simple Quote Request form.
As a full-service provider, Color Vision has both
offset and digital printing capabilities. So, whether you need a short, medium,
or long production run, we have the expertise to make your printing project a
success. As always, we look forward to assisting you!
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