Printing Knowledge Center
Printing Terminology Blog Articles

What is Digital Printing?
Digital Printing is a broad term used for any printing process that outputs electronic images directly onto a substrate. Most digital printing presses operate with either laser or inkjet technology.
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Direct Mail Marketing: What are Postal Indicia?
The postal regulations governing Commercial Mailings and Indicia use can be overwhelming. Don’t go it alone - let Color Vision handle the printing and mailing.
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Printing Terminology: What is DPI?
DPI is a measure of an image's resolution, or level of detail. An image with a high DPI has more visual clarity and sharpness than an image with a low DPI.
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Printing Terminology: What is a Substrate?
Because choosing the right substrate plays a major role in the success of your printing project, Color Vision is always happy to help you select the best type.
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What is the Gutter of a Book?
The Gutter refers to the space between two facing pages of an open book. It is the area where the left side pages and the right side pages meet near the spine.
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The Difference between a Brochure and a Pamphlet
Referring to a brochure as a pamphlet, or vice versa, rarely causes any serious confusion. However, it doesn't hurt to know how these two printed pieces differ.
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